Where an arbitral tribunal fails to render an award before the above or extended period of time, a party may bring an action in the people's court for the labor dispute matters. 逾期未作出仲裁裁决的,当事人可以就该劳动争议事项向人民法院提起诉讼。
The evidence which the arbitral tribunal confirms true upon investigation shall be regarded as the basis for finding the facts. 经仲裁庭查证属实的证据,应当作为认定事实的根据。
These rules shall not apply in the conciliation presided over by an arbitral tribunal during the process of arbitration. 仲裁程序中仲裁庭主持下的调解不适用本调解规则。
No period of grace may be granted to the seller by a court or arbitral tribunal when the Buyer resorts to a remedy for Breach of contract. 如果买方对违反合同采取某种补救办法,法院或仲裁庭不得给予卖方宽限期。
The amount of any costs and losses payable under such cross-indemnity may be determined by the Arbitral Tribunal in one or more awards. 上述相互赔偿保证项下应支付的任何费用和损失的金额可由仲裁庭在一次或一次以上的裁决中裁定。
One of the parties had paid the total amount of the advance on costs and requested that the arbitral tribunal issue a separate award ordering the other party to reimburse it for half of the paid amount. 案件的一方当事人预缴了所有的仲裁预付款项,并向仲裁庭请求作出独立的仲裁裁决,要求对方当事人偿还其应承担的一半份额。
Where mediation fails or before the statement of mediation is served, one party goes back on the agreement reached, the arbitral tribunal shall make an award in a timely manner. 调解不成或者调解书送达前,一方当事人反悔的,仲裁庭应当及时作出裁决。
Subject to any order otherwise by the Arbitral Tribunal, the testimony of a witness may be presented by a party in written form, either as a signed statement or as a sworn affidavit. 证人的证言可由当事人以书面形式出示,以签署的声明或宣誓的陈述书方式作出均可,但须服从仲裁庭另行作出的任何指令。
The Arbitral Tribunal can deliver its decision in the form of either an interim award or a final award. 仲裁庭的决定可以以中间裁决的形式作出,也可以在终局裁决中作出。
The arbitral tribunal shall be entitled to require security for the costs of such measures. 仲裁庭应有权要求对此种措施的费用缴付保证金。
The arbitral tribunal shall hold a hearing under the arbitration rules, offer both parties equal opportunities to make statements and arguments, and organize them to cross-examine the evidence. 仲裁庭应当依照仲裁规则的规定开庭,给予双方当事人平等陈述、辩论的机会,并组织当事人进行质证。
The cost of arbitration shall be borne by either or both parties as the arbitral tribunal may state in the award. 仲裁费用由该裁决书中规定的一方或双方承担。
The arbitral tribunal may appoint one or more experts to report to it, in writing, on specific issues to be determined by the tribunal. 仲裁裁决,公断书仲裁庭可以任命专家一人或数人,就仲裁庭所需决定的特殊问题向仲裁庭提出书面报告。
Upon the request of either XXX or buyer, the chairman of the arbitral tribunal will be of a nationality different than that of the parties. 应xxx和买方的要求,仲裁主席将由非双方国籍人士充当。
The arbitral tribunal can examine its jurisdiction on own initiative or passively; 仲裁庭审查自身管辖权,既可以是主动的,也可以是被动的;
The rights of choice and determination of applying arbitral procedure act and arbitration rules enjoyed by the parties and the arbitral tribunal have already confirmed by arbitral acts of many countries. 当事人和仲裁庭享有适用仲裁程序法与仲裁规则的选择权与确定权已得到多数国家仲裁立法的肯定。
The efficiency of arbitral procedure is improved by designing some rules and give more power to arbitral tribunal; 通过一些具体的程序设计和赋予仲裁员更大的权力,提高仲裁程序的效率;
The formation of the arbitral tribunal which decides the quality of the award is very important in the whole arbitration. 仲裁庭的组成在仲裁程序中具有十分重要的地位,直接关系到仲裁裁决的质量。
The arbitral tribunal may continue the arbitral proceedings after one of the parties made objections with respect to the existence or validity of the arbitration agreement. 在一方当事人对仲裁协议的存在及其效力提出异议的情况下,仲裁庭可继续仲裁程序。
Abolish the jurisdiction of the arbitration commission over the jurisdictional disputes; give the people's court the jurisdiction of supervising over the jurisdictional decisions made by the arbitral tribunal during the course of arbitration. 同时还应该限制人民法院对仲裁庭管辖权争议的直接管辖权,取消仲裁委员会对仲裁庭管辖权的决定权,赋予人民法院在仲裁程序中对仲裁庭管辖权决定必要的司法监督权。
As an essential condition for accepting the application by the arbitral tribunal, the Proper party is of importance in the arbitration practice. 因此,当事人适格作为仲裁庭受理申请的必要条件,在仲裁实践中处于非常重要的地位。
However, the disputes of indirect expropriation takes a higher percentage of the international investments disputes. because of being lack of theories and practices of indirect expropriation, such as each country or arbitral tribunal holds an different opinion on the definition and judgments of the indirect expropriation. 但是由于当前的间接征收理论和实践并不完善,如各国、各仲裁庭对于间接征收的含义、如何判定间接征收等都有着不同的理解,从而导致间接征收争端成为当前国际投资争端的高产区。
The characteristics to identify foreign law mainly by the arbitral tribunal are different with the range of discretion with the court. 国际商事仲裁中外国法查明的特点主要体现为仲裁庭查明外国法的自由裁量权范围与法院不同,以及查明责任的分配和查明方法都与国际民事诉讼相区别。
When the arbitral tribunal receives the application of any, it must examine the qualifications of the applicant in practice. 在国际体育仲裁实践中,仲裁庭在受理任何一起申请时,都必须要对申请人的资格进行审查。
Chapter 2 introduces the details of the constitution of arbitral tribunal and the current laws and arbitration practices in other countries and some arbitration institutions. 第二章介绍仲裁庭组成所包括的具体内容以及各国和各仲裁机构有关仲裁庭组成的制度规定和实践开展情况。
Firstly, I modify the existing arbitration law modeled by "UNCITRAL Model Law on international Commercial Arbitration". Secondly, I introduce the ad hoc arbitration system. Thirdly, I give the Arbitral tribunal more power in the application of laws. 第一,以《国际商事仲裁示范法》为蓝本修订完善我国现行仲裁法;第二,引入临时仲裁制度;第三,赋予仲裁庭在法律适用方面更大的权力。
In Chapter 4, after analyzing the present situation and studying comparatively, some suggestions are submitted to perfect the constitution of arbitral tribunal in our countries. 第四章通过分析现状和比较研究,提出我国有关仲裁庭组成问题的改善方法。
The author thoroughly analyzes the principles on the continental shelf delimitation, in conjunction with a series of cases tried by ICJ and the arbitral tribunal after 1969. Namely, it contains the agreement obligation, natural prolongation principle, equidistance principle and the equitable principle. 本文结合1969年之后国际法院和仲裁机构审理的一系列大陆架和海域划界案件,逐一分析大陆架划界的协议义务、自然延伸原则、等距离原则和公平原则。
Subchapter 2 studies on the arbitration of investment definition under bilateral investment treaties, separately illustrates how the arbitral tribunal identifies the connotation and intension of the definition of investment under bilateral investment treaties. 第二部分是研究双边投资条约项下的投资定义仲裁实践,分别举例说明ICSID仲裁庭对双边投资条约项下投资定义内涵和外延的界定。
International commercial arbitration system as a basic theory of the controversial issues of the arbitrability issue, it is the validity of the arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal of jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards and so has very close ties. 作为国际商事仲裁制度基础性理论的争议事项的可仲裁性问题,它与仲裁协议的有效性、仲裁庭管辖权的确定、仲裁裁决的承认与执行等都有着十分密切的联系。